Dental implants are a safe, durable replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants function and appear like natural teeth. Optimal Dental Center, specializing in dental implants Fairfax is committed to ensuring your optimal comfort and quality care. We use the latest techniques to ensure efficient, stress-free treatment.
According to the American Dental Association, half the people over the age of 65 have at least one missing tooth. This makes it ideal for people above the age of 80 or 90 to get Dental Implants Fairfax, VA. There is no upper age limit to get dental implants. The minimum age to get dental implants in Reston is advisably 20.
A person with little bone mass or low density who lacks the bone structure to secure an implant in place is not recommended to get an implant. The skeletal maturity is incomplete in the mid-’20s making it eligible for people in that age to get dental implants Fairfax and Reston, VA.
The process of dental implants in Reston itself is not painful at all. It is performed with either local or general anesthesia to completely numb the area. After the dental implementation, once the numbness wears off patient can experience mild pain. However, this pain is much less than the pain experienced during tooth extraction.
The process requires the doctor to place the titanium implant in your jawbone, right below the gums. This procedure usually takes about 1-2 hours for each implant being placed. The doctors at Optimal Dental Center will wait about 3 months post-surgery before the final restoration of the tooth replacement.