Root canals treat teeth in cases where cracks or decay have reached the pulp of the tooth. This treatment helps ease pain and maintain the integrity of your tooth. With experience performing crown restorations and root canals in Fairfax and Reston, and a strong referral network of endodontic experts, the team at Optimal Dental can guide you towards the right treatment solution for your tooth.

Here’s what to know about caring for your tooth after a root canal. 

1. Expect more than one visit – and more than one doctor.

Once a root canal has been performed, a restorative crown is recommended to add strength and protection to the dead tooth. In some cases the crown might be added during the same visit. More often this step occurs during a subsequent visit. This is particularly the case when the root canal is being performed by an endodontist, and the crown by a general or family dentist. Endodontists are root canal experts who handle complex or retreat root canals. Your dentist will refer you to an endodontist if required.

2. Continue your regular dental hygiene routine.

Brushing and flossing are critical components of good dental health, and that remains true after a root canal. Continue to brush and floss, but be gentle around the recently treated area. Brush gently and in a circular motion, and avoid pulling floss up toward the crown area, especially if you have a temporary crown in place. 

3. Stick with soft, easy-to-chew foods.

Your tooth might be tender as you heal, so avoid hard, chewy or sugary items that can place pressure on the tooth. If you’re waiting on your permanent crown, avoid chewing on the tooth being treated until this is in place. This will help prevent damage to your temporary crown.

4. Use pain medication as recommended.

Mild soreness and discomfort is normal after a root canal. Depending on your situation, your dentist or endodontist might recommend OTC pain medication or prescribe pain medication. These will help manage pain and discomfort while your mouth heals. Always follow the dosage and instructions for use on any medications, and know that some medications may cause drowsiness.

5. Monitor for any unusual symptoms.

Your new tooth might feel a little strange as it heals, but severe pain, pressure, swelling or allergic reactions such as rashes or hives are not normal. Call your dentist or endodontist if you experience any of these symptoms. If your bite does not feel right, or the temporary crown comes out, contact your dentist to have a replacement crown made.

Contact us about a root canal in Northern Virginia 

If you are experiencing symptoms that you suspect that you might require a root canal, talk to the team at Optimal Dental Center today. As experts in crown restoration and root canal management, our expert team of doctors can talk to you about your tooth restoration options after the root canal treatment and perform the root canal or refer you to an endodontist in complex or retreat root canal situations. 


A straight, even smile works wonders for your self-esteem, and even your bite. As experts in orthodontics in the Northern Virginia area with two offices — one in Fairfax, VA and one in Reston, VA — we’ve helped thousands of people attain their dream of straighter teeth and improved confidence.

We’ve also answered plenty of questions and dispelled many myths about orthodontic treatment. Here are the top orthodontic myths, and the truth behind them. 

1 Orthodontic treatment is just for teens

While people often associate braces and teeth-straightening techniques with adolescents, orthodontic treatment can be appropriate from as young as seven and all the way into adulthood. Jaw adjustment treatments, such as those addressing an overbite or underbite, can begin during childhood. And braces or Invisalign treatments are increasingly popular among adults who have always longed for a more even smile.  

2 Traditional braces are always the best option

There are many different orthodontic treatment options available. The treatment that is right for you depends on your overall dental profile, the results you desire, and additional factors such as time, appearance, and cost. For typical tooth crowding, traditional braces or Invisalign can be good options. Lingual braces – braces affixed to the back of your teeth – are another option, while active retainers can be a good choice for minor adjustments. Other orthodontic procedures and techniques can be used to widen your palate or adjust the position of your jaw.

3 Orthodontics are painful and bulky

As specialists in orthodontics, we understand that you might be concerned about the potential discomfort associated with braces, as well as their appearance. However, orthodontics has come a long way, with today’s braces and orthodontic solutions being much more streamlined and lighter-weight than older styles. Clear brackets, thinner wires and advances such as self-ligating brackets mean that even traditional braces are far less obtrusive than they used to be. Solutions such as Invisalign, lingual braces, and active retainers are all subtle in appearance and won’t affect your smile. 

4 Orthodontic care is expensive

Your smile is one of your greatest assets, and at Optimal Dental Center we think it’s always worthwhile to invest in it. It’s also important to remember that any price quoted to you reflects one or more years of expert treatment and consultations – and a smile you can be proud of. We strive to offer a variety of treatment and payment options to suit your needs, and are always here to discuss payment terms and plans with you. If cost is a concern, talk to us about what your insurance covers and what kind of financing or payment terms are available to you.

If you’re ready to transform your smile and are looking for an experienced orthodontist in Reston, VA or Fairfax, VA, call on us for a Complimentary orthodontic consultation. We offer cutting-edge orthodontic treatment in a professional environment – and results that will make you smile.  

If you’re searching a dentist to perform a root canal in Northern Virginia, chances are you’re experiencing dental health symptoms. Maybe you’re worried about your teeth because you’ve fallen behind on your brushing and flossing routine, or you’ve cracked or damaged a tooth and think you’ve exposed a nerve. Acting quickly can help manage the problem and prevent further issues such as infection. 

While only a trained dentist can tell you whether you need a root canal, the following five signs can help you decide whether it’s time to call the team of local root canal experts at Optimal Dental Center in Reston, VA and Fairfax, VA.

1 Unexplained Tooth Pain

Toothache is a common symptom associated with tooth decay or damage. Whether the pain is dull and persistent, or comes on suddenly, tooth pain can be a sign you need a root canal – and a good indication you should call your top-choice root canal, Fairfax dentist.

2 Sensitivity to Hot or Cold

Some sensitivity to temperature when eating or drinking is normal. But the sensitivity should be bearable, temporary, and should generally only occur with food cooled or heated to extremes, such as ice-cream or coffee. If your sensitivity is ongoing and occurs with normal food, consider booking an appointment with your dentist.

3 Sensitivity to Pressure

Chewing regular foods or performing your regular dental hygiene routine shouldn’t hurt. Pain or sensitivity when chewing normal foods or when brushing or flossing might indicate that the root or pulp of a tooth is exposed. To solve the problem, your dentist might recommend a root canal, where the painful nerve is removed and the damaged tooth is sealed. 

4 Darkening of Your Teeth

Tooth discoloration can be caused by food and drink such as tea and coffee, and by aging. Some people also have naturally darker tooth enamel. But significant yellowing or darkening of a tooth that goes beyond the surface enamel can be a sign of nerve and blood vessel damage. If this happens, it’s time to book a root canal with us today.

5 Gum Tenderness

Red and tender gums can be a sign of infection or disease associated with tooth damage. If your gums are swelling, draining liquid or are painful to the touch, talk to your dentist to see what the best course of treatment is. This is especially the case if you are experiencing gum problems alongside any of the above symptoms. 

Attending your routine dental check-ups and maintaining good dental hygiene practices can help prevent the need for a root canal. But if you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, don’t wait until your next appointment. Contact Optimal Dental Center and our Reston office or Fairfax office today to schedule your consultation.

A missing tooth affects your smile, your bite, and your self-confidence. While preserving a tooth is always our goal as your go-to Northern Virginia dental office, sometimes a tooth might have to be removed and replaced. Often, dental implants are the best tooth replacement option. However, the recommended solution for your situation will depend on the urgency of the situation, your budget, and your overall dental health. 

Let’s explore some of the tooth replacement options your local dentist might recommend.

1. Dental implants.

Dental implants are a popular solution for replacing one or more teeth. They look and function like your real teeth, are stable and durable, help preserve the jawbone, and do not affect the surrounding teeth.

Dental implants are a multi-step solution. A surgical titanium post is implanted in the jaw bone, then when this is healed, the replacement tooth is created and added over the top. Sometimes temporary teeth might be used during the replacement stage. 

However, while dental implants are natural-looking, strong and permanent, they are one of the more expensive tooth replacement options available. Additionally, because they require a surgical implant, the timeline for completing the procedure can be longer than other approaches.  But do not be alarmed, the team at Optimal Dental Center in both our Fairfax, VA and Reston, VA offices work with our patients on a customized treatment plan that also fits your budget.

2. Bridges.

Bridges are used to fill gaps in your smile. They consist of two types: implant-supported and tooth-supported. Implant-supported bridges are used to replace a row of missing teeth. However, only the two teeth at the ends of the bridge are implants, with the rest of the bridge attached to those implants. Tooth-supported bridges use your existing teeth to support the bridge. 

Bridges are a cost-effective solution for replacing several missing teeth in a row. They are effective and natural looking. However, they are only suitable for specific situations where there are teeth adjacent to the missing one(s). In the case of implant-supported bridges, multiple sessions will be required, with healing time involved. For tooth-supported bridges, there is some risk of damage to the adjoining teeth, as these will need to be filed down to be fitted with the crowns to which the bridge will be attached. The bridge may also need to be replaced in the future.

3. Dentures.

There are a few types of dentures: traditional, partial, and implant supported. Removable partial dentures are a less bulky alternative to traditional dentures. Used to replace several missing teeth, they are clamped into place and are removed at night or for cleaning. They are economical when compared with implants and bridges, and treatment is quick and non-invasive. They can also be easily repaired, replaced or extended. However, they do not look as natural as implants or bridges and can be uncomfortable.  In addition, the jaw bone in the missing teeth areas will continue to deteriorate as the tooth roots are missing.  This eventually causes the dentures to not fit properly after a period of time. 

Implant-supported dentures are a cost-effective middle ground between regular dentures and full-arch dental implants. Implants are used to hold the dentures in place, making them more stable than other denture types. They also offer a better fit than conventional dentures, improve chewing ability, and are more natural looking. Depending on the design of the dentures, they might be taken out at night, or left permanently in place.

Talk to our Drs. at Optimal Dental Center About Your Best Tooth Replacement Option. 

If you are missing one or more teeth and are looking for the ideal solution to restore your smile, talk to our team of experts at our local Fairfax, VA and Reston, VA offices. We will examine your smile and walk you through the best tooth replacement options with consideration for your visual preferences, timeline and budget.

For more information about how our tooth replacement options can transform your smile, book your complimentary consultation appointment with Dr. Dang at Optimal Dental Center today!


A dental emergency shouldn’t be ignored. If you’ve injured your gums or teeth outside regular office hours, it’s time to seek emergency dental care. But how do you know when your injury can wait, when it’s time to go to the hospital, or when it’s time to call your emergency dentist.

Optimal Dental Center located in both Reston, VA and Fairfax, VAA are experienced providers of emergency dental care. Here’s what to know during a dental emergency.

When is Something a Dental Emergency?

Before you call up your emergency dentist, decide whether you’re dealing with a dental emergency, a medical emergency, or something that can wait. 

If you’re in severe pain, have lost or broken a tooth, have loose teeth, are bleeding from the mouth, or have an infection or abscess, you might be experiencing a dental emergency. Call your regular dentist and describe your symptoms to them. Depending on the situation, they might recommend that you come in immediately, or have you wait until their office opens the next day. If you cannot get in touch with your dentist, call an emergency dentist or the ER.

When is Something not a Dental Emergency?

A dental issue that can wait a day or more isn’t a dental emergency. Non-emergencies include a chipped or cracked tooth that is not painful, a mild toothache, or minor gum damage. In these situations, you can manage the situation at home while waiting for an appointment. However, be mindful of escalating symptoms such as fever or swelling – if these occur you might be facing a dental emergency. If you’re unsure about whether what you’re experiencing is an emergency, call your dentist or an emergency dentist to get their recommendation. 

What to Do During a Dental Emergency   

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, here’s what to do while you’re waiting to see your dentist.

Avoiding a Dental Emergency

Staying proactive in your dental hygiene is the best way to avoid a dental emergency. Regular brushing and flossing together with routine dental visits will help address any problems in their early stages – before they become an emergency. Be mindful of your teeth during high-impact activities such as playing contact sports or riding a bike and take precautions such as wearing a mouthguard. Avoiding chewing on hard foods and using your teeth to tear or shear non-food items can also reduce the risk of a dental emergency. 

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, time is of the essence. Call your emergency dentist asap to address the situation before things get worse. Optimal Dental Center offers emergency dental care in Fairfax and Reston, VA to ensure you get the dental care you need when you most need it. 

A winning smile is great for your confidence and self-esteem – and helps you put your best self forward in public. If crooked, missing or stained teeth are affecting your daily life, talk to Optimal Dental, an acclaimed cosmetic dentist in Reston and Fairfax.

Our Northern Virginia cosmetic dentistry clinics have transformed the smiles of thousands of patients, allowing people just like you to live confidently and care-free. Let’s look at some of the ways our local cosmetic dentist can give you the smile you deserve.

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening

Bright, white teeth are a critical part of a great smile. But teeth can discolor for many reasons. Genetics play a role in the color of your teeth, for example. Staining can occur from smoking or excess consumption of tea and coffee. Poor dental hygiene is another factor, as is age. Fortunately,ouroffice has multiple whitening treatment options that can safely strip away the unwanted stains and restore your teeth to a brighter, whiter shade. We would love to see you for a Complimentary Teeth Whitening consultation to determine what option fits your desired result & budget the best.

Cosmetic Veneers and Crowns

Dental veneers and crowns are used to restore the appearance of stained, damaged or crooked teeth. Veneers are constructed from a thin layer of porcelain or other material that’s then applied to the front of the tooth. Crowns are similar in structure but are placed over the whole tooth. Whether a crown or a veneer is right for you will depend on the condition of your teeth and what your cosmetic goals are – but either is an excellent way to restore your smile.

Cosmetic Bonding

Similar to veneers and crowns, cosmetic bonding is used to restore or reshape teeth, and minimize gaps between teeth. Where cosmetic bonding differs from crowns and veneers is that it’s only applied to the part of your tooth that needs repair. Cosmetic bonding tends to be more affordable than veneers and crowns, and can be a great alternative for those whose budget doesn’t allow for the former.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures. Implants consist of an artificial root and tooth that are surgically implanted into the gums. They’re designed to replace missing teeth and round out a smile, and are an ideal solution for those who want a natural-looking tooth replacement solution. Implants can be used to replace one or more teeth – and for some, as an alternative to dentures. Implants may be covered by insurance.

Gum Sculpting and Reshaping

Gum sculpting is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes your gums to improve the appearance of your smile. Gum sculpting involves the use of a scalpel or laser to remove excess gum tissue, sculpt uneven tissue, or even graft additional tissue in places where too much of the tooth is showing. It’s an effective option for those suffering from certain gum conditions, or who want to show off more of their smile.

Invisalign® Teeth Straightening

A popular alternative to braces, Invisalign® is an increasingly common solution for discreetly straightening teeth. It involves the use of clear specialized trays that gradually move crooked teeth into position for a straighter grin you’ll want to show off. Invisalign® is both a cosmetic and functional treatment that improves your bite – and your smile.

Talk to Optimal Dental About Your Cosmetic Dentistry Needs

If you’ve been hiding your smile from the world, now is the time to make a change. Whether your goal is straighter teeth, whiter teeth, or a brighter smile overall, we can help. Contact Optimal Dental, the trusted name in cosmetic dentistry in Reston and Fairfax, for a Complimentary Consultation to learn how we can make your smile your best feature – today!

All children lose their teeth at a certain age, typically when their adult teeth start growing. Teaching your child about oral hygiene as soon as their teeth start developing is crucial — it reinforces a necessary habit when their teeth can no longer fall out and be replaced!

No matter how hard you try to help your child maintain good dental hygiene, they might end up having tooth cavities. When cavities do happen, get in touch with a Kid-friendly Dentist in Reston, VA, to get information and treatment for that cavity.

About The Stages Of Fillings

Different ages require different types of fillings. Here is some of what we treat at Optimal Dental Center in Reston, VA:

Get in touch with the dentists at our facility today to understand your child’s tooth problem.

Cosmetic Dentistry: The Dental Work That Improves Your Self-confidence

Most people go to the dentist only for tooth pain, significant procedures, and yearly checkups. However, a cosmetic dentist in Reston can do much more than just check your teeth. They can provide some of the best treatment and correction measures for your teeth, improving your smile and self-confidence.

Teeth alignment may make you feel less self-conscious about your teeth when you laugh or smile. An expert cosmetic dentist in Reston, VA, can suggest appropriate cosmetic dental solutions to correct chipped, stained, crooked, or distorted teeth.

Here is a little more about the different types of cosmetic dental procedures provided by cosmetic dentists in Reston.

The ultimate objective of cosmetic dental procedures is to enhance the appearance and functionality of the teeth.

For more details about Invisalign™ or porcelain veneers, visit Optimal Dental Center today.

Every parent wants the best for their children, especially when it comes to their oral health.

Sometimes parents discover their child’s permanent teeth are coming in crooked and get worried. So, they’ll take all the necessary measures to provide their child with the best orthodontic care and straighten their smile once and for all. They may imagine this will save their child from embarrassment or dental issues. Like adults, crooked or misaligned teeth can negatively affect children’s self-esteem and confidence. Many kids in Virginia have reported being bullied and ostracised by their peers at school for their dental misalignment.

Suppose such dental anomalies occur in your child — what do you do? The professional kid-friendly dentists in Reston, VA, who work at Optimal Dental recommend consulting with them regarding all possible treatment options for your child. They will help you make an informed decision about your child’s future procedures, including Invisalign™ or braces.

The Pros & Cons Of Braces vs Invisalign

The first thought parents usually have when they see crooked or misaligned teeth in their children is to have them get braces. Braces have been around for more than a century now, but there have been significant scientific advancements in orthodontics, which have expanded teeth-straightening options.

You may already know about Invisalign™ , which was invented in the late ’90s as an alternative to traditional braces. Both braces and Invisalign™ have been specifically designed to straighten teeth while enhancing oral wellbeing in general. Unlike Invisalign™ , metal braces are brackets bonded to individual teeth with a wire connecting them. Often, this is held into place by colorful elastic bands. Dentists can then adjust the wire to pull each tooth steadily into its legitimate spot over time.

No wires and brackets are involved in Invisalign™ , which straightens teeth utilizing a series of clear, custom-built, detachable appliances called aligners. Metal braces and Invisalign™ are both excellent corrective treatment methods and have proven their effectiveness time and again. Some dental misalignments are better corrected with braces, while some are better handled with Invisalign™ .

Here is a look at the differences between braces and Invisalign™ for children:

Advantages Of Metal Braces For Children:

Advantages Of Invisalign™ For Children:

To get a further opinion on which option may be best for your child, visit a Reston kid-friendly dentist or a specialist in Invisalign™ in Fairfax, VA, for more advice.

Parents do their best to watch out for their children, but they cannot always prevent them from danger. After all, danger isn’t always obvious.

However, we can make good decisions to prevent the worst from happening. Dental emergencies happen far more often than we might expect. If you find your child in a dental emergency, it is essential to call for a kid-friendly dentist for the best results.

Below are a few instances in which a parent might seek kid-friendly Dentist Emergency care.

Toothaches: Toothaches are common in adults and children alike. A kid-friendly dentist in Reston, VA, offers Virginian residents the best services to children during these instances. They will discover the root of the problem and prescribe pain care and preventative care to address the situation.

Knocked-out Teeth: Dental avulsion, otherwise known as a knocked-out tooth, is common in children who frequently play sports, participate in athletic practices, and do workouts. Children may forget about their safety if they are too focused on the game, resulting in knocked-out teeth. Reston kid-friendly dentists repair knocked-out adult teeth and broken teeth caused by dental avulsion.

Broken Teeth: A broken tooth is also known as a crown fracture. Crown fractures are quite common in children who are still learning about spatial awareness. Broken teeth should always be cared for, especially when your child is small, because they can lead to more severe injury and pain. Emergency dentists in Fairfax, VA, offer immediate help to restore the child’s tooth before it dies or severe pain happens from an exposed nerve.

Severe Tooth Pain: Children can experience severe tooth pain for various reasons, and sometimes those reasons relate to dental emergencies. Tooth pain in children may be caused by dental neglect, such as indulging in too many sweets or forgetting to brush their teeth regularly. Sometimes, parents react more severely than their children to dental neglect! Children might not even notice they have an issue before it is too late. In any case, it’s best to let dental experts, like Optimal Dental in Fairfax VA, handle these issues before they get any worse.

Bitten Cheek, Lip, Or Tongue: If the child has bitten their cheek, lip, or tongue, Optimal Dental suggests cleaning the bite gently with water and using a wet towel to reduce any swelling or bleeding. If the bite is severe, a visit to kid-friendly dentist emergency care might help. Deep bites may need stitches or antibiotics to fully recover.

Loose Tooth: A loose tooth is quite a natural occurrence during childhood. However, if a child’s adult tooth is loose — or you have any other concerns about their teeth — visit a kid-friendly dentist. Dentists can determine whether your child’s loose tooth is natural or might need extra care. Emergency dentists in Reston VA will look into whether your child’s gum is correctly forming, whether they may have gum damage, or whether you have nothing to worry about.

kid-friendly dentist emergency care isn’t always necessary, but the above instances are often signs you may need extra help. In those instances, be sure that you have an emergency kid-friendly number or contact information on standby. You’ll thank yourself later!