As an experienced Invisalign® dentist in Reston and Fairfax, we often speak with patients who are weighing the choice between Invisalign® and traditional braces. Over the years we’ve helped hundreds of patients achieve a straighter, more confident smile using Invisalign®’s highly regarded clear aligners.

While both traditional braces and Invisalign® help you obtain a better bite and smile, there are specific benefits to choosing Invisalign®. Here’s what we tell patients considering Invisalign® in with our dental offices in Northern Virginia:

1. Brushing and flossing is easy with Invisalign®.

One of the challenges of traditional braces is maintaining your dental hygiene routine. Navigating around the brackets and wires of braces while brushing and flossing can be difficult, and dental hygiene can suffer. But Invisalign®’s removable clear trays allow you to brush and floss as usual. 

2. You don’t have to skip your favorite foods.

Sticky, crunchy or hard foods can bend wires, pop brackets off teeth, or become stuck in the hardware of traditional braces. Tea and coffee can also stain the enamel around brackets, resulting in teeth with uneven coloring. With Invisalign®, you can simply remove your trays while eating – minimizing the risk of damage or staining. 

3. Invisalign® is almost invisible!

While traditional braces have become less obtrusive over the years, some patients are self-conscious about the idea of braces hardware and prefer a “no-show” approach. One of the biggest benefits of Invisalign® is that the clear retainers you’ll wear over your teeth are subtle – giving you the confidence to smile away.

4. Invisalign® means greater comfort.

There have been significant advances in orthodontics over the years, with today’s braces being more lightweight than older products. But traditional braces can pinch and rub against gums and inner cheeks, and can feel uncomfortable after an adjustment. In contrast, clear aligner trays are formed from a single piece of plastic shaped precisely to your mouth, meaning discomfort will be minimal.

5. Invisalign® is great for on-the-go patients.

If your schedule is tight and you don’t have time for lengthy orthodontic appointments, Invisalign® can be the superior choice. Appointments are shorter and can even be less frequent. Additionally, you won’t find yourself back at the dentist for “emergency” adjustments caused by popping a bracket or damaging a wire.

6. Your insurance probably covers it

In its early days, Invisalign® wasn’t covered by most insurance plans. But now that it’s a popular, mature product, most insurance plans cover Invisalign® treatment, meaning that you can achieve a straighter, more confident smile without the price tag.

If you’re looking to transform your smile, talk to the team at Optimal Dental Center. As your local experts in Invisalign® in Reston, we’re here to help. Book your appointment today – and fast-track your way to a smile you’ll love.

Root canals treat teeth in cases where cracks or decay have reached the pulp of the tooth. This treatment helps ease pain and maintain the integrity of your tooth. With experience performing crown restorations and root canals in Fairfax and Reston, and a strong referral network of endodontic experts, the team at Optimal Dental can guide you towards the right treatment solution for your tooth.

Here’s what to know about caring for your tooth after a root canal. 

1. Expect more than one visit – and more than one doctor.

Once a root canal has been performed, a restorative crown is recommended to add strength and protection to the dead tooth. In some cases the crown might be added during the same visit. More often this step occurs during a subsequent visit. This is particularly the case when the root canal is being performed by an endodontist, and the crown by a general or family dentist. Endodontists are root canal experts who handle complex or retreat root canals. Your dentist will refer you to an endodontist if required.

2. Continue your regular dental hygiene routine.

Brushing and flossing are critical components of good dental health, and that remains true after a root canal. Continue to brush and floss, but be gentle around the recently treated area. Brush gently and in a circular motion, and avoid pulling floss up toward the crown area, especially if you have a temporary crown in place. 

3. Stick with soft, easy-to-chew foods.

Your tooth might be tender as you heal, so avoid hard, chewy or sugary items that can place pressure on the tooth. If you’re waiting on your permanent crown, avoid chewing on the tooth being treated until this is in place. This will help prevent damage to your temporary crown.

4. Use pain medication as recommended.

Mild soreness and discomfort is normal after a root canal. Depending on your situation, your dentist or endodontist might recommend OTC pain medication or prescribe pain medication. These will help manage pain and discomfort while your mouth heals. Always follow the dosage and instructions for use on any medications, and know that some medications may cause drowsiness.

5. Monitor for any unusual symptoms.

Your new tooth might feel a little strange as it heals, but severe pain, pressure, swelling or allergic reactions such as rashes or hives are not normal. Call your dentist or endodontist if you experience any of these symptoms. If your bite does not feel right, or the temporary crown comes out, contact your dentist to have a replacement crown made.

Contact us about a root canal in Northern Virginia 

If you are experiencing symptoms that you suspect that you might require a root canal, talk to the team at Optimal Dental Center today. As experts in crown restoration and root canal management, our expert team of doctors can talk to you about your tooth restoration options after the root canal treatment and perform the root canal or refer you to an endodontist in complex or retreat root canal situations. 


A straight, even smile works wonders for your self-esteem, and even your bite. As experts in orthodontics in the Northern Virginia area with two offices — one in Fairfax, VA and one in Reston, VA — we’ve helped thousands of people attain their dream of straighter teeth and improved confidence.

We’ve also answered plenty of questions and dispelled many myths about orthodontic treatment. Here are the top orthodontic myths, and the truth behind them. 

1 Orthodontic treatment is just for teens

While people often associate braces and teeth-straightening techniques with adolescents, orthodontic treatment can be appropriate from as young as seven and all the way into adulthood. Jaw adjustment treatments, such as those addressing an overbite or underbite, can begin during childhood. And braces or Invisalign treatments are increasingly popular among adults who have always longed for a more even smile.  

2 Traditional braces are always the best option

There are many different orthodontic treatment options available. The treatment that is right for you depends on your overall dental profile, the results you desire, and additional factors such as time, appearance, and cost. For typical tooth crowding, traditional braces or Invisalign can be good options. Lingual braces – braces affixed to the back of your teeth – are another option, while active retainers can be a good choice for minor adjustments. Other orthodontic procedures and techniques can be used to widen your palate or adjust the position of your jaw.

3 Orthodontics are painful and bulky

As specialists in orthodontics, we understand that you might be concerned about the potential discomfort associated with braces, as well as their appearance. However, orthodontics has come a long way, with today’s braces and orthodontic solutions being much more streamlined and lighter-weight than older styles. Clear brackets, thinner wires and advances such as self-ligating brackets mean that even traditional braces are far less obtrusive than they used to be. Solutions such as Invisalign, lingual braces, and active retainers are all subtle in appearance and won’t affect your smile. 

4 Orthodontic care is expensive

Your smile is one of your greatest assets, and at Optimal Dental Center we think it’s always worthwhile to invest in it. It’s also important to remember that any price quoted to you reflects one or more years of expert treatment and consultations – and a smile you can be proud of. We strive to offer a variety of treatment and payment options to suit your needs, and are always here to discuss payment terms and plans with you. If cost is a concern, talk to us about what your insurance covers and what kind of financing or payment terms are available to you.

If you’re ready to transform your smile and are looking for an experienced orthodontist in Reston, VA or Fairfax, VA, call on us for a Complimentary orthodontic consultation. We offer cutting-edge orthodontic treatment in a professional environment – and results that will make you smile.  

If you’re searching a dentist to perform a root canal in Northern Virginia, chances are you’re experiencing dental health symptoms. Maybe you’re worried about your teeth because you’ve fallen behind on your brushing and flossing routine, or you’ve cracked or damaged a tooth and think you’ve exposed a nerve. Acting quickly can help manage the problem and prevent further issues such as infection. 

While only a trained dentist can tell you whether you need a root canal, the following five signs can help you decide whether it’s time to call the team of local root canal experts at Optimal Dental Center in Reston, VA and Fairfax, VA.

1 Unexplained Tooth Pain

Toothache is a common symptom associated with tooth decay or damage. Whether the pain is dull and persistent, or comes on suddenly, tooth pain can be a sign you need a root canal – and a good indication you should call your top-choice root canal, Fairfax dentist.

2 Sensitivity to Hot or Cold

Some sensitivity to temperature when eating or drinking is normal. But the sensitivity should be bearable, temporary, and should generally only occur with food cooled or heated to extremes, such as ice-cream or coffee. If your sensitivity is ongoing and occurs with normal food, consider booking an appointment with your dentist.

3 Sensitivity to Pressure

Chewing regular foods or performing your regular dental hygiene routine shouldn’t hurt. Pain or sensitivity when chewing normal foods or when brushing or flossing might indicate that the root or pulp of a tooth is exposed. To solve the problem, your dentist might recommend a root canal, where the painful nerve is removed and the damaged tooth is sealed. 

4 Darkening of Your Teeth

Tooth discoloration can be caused by food and drink such as tea and coffee, and by aging. Some people also have naturally darker tooth enamel. But significant yellowing or darkening of a tooth that goes beyond the surface enamel can be a sign of nerve and blood vessel damage. If this happens, it’s time to book a root canal with us today.

5 Gum Tenderness

Red and tender gums can be a sign of infection or disease associated with tooth damage. If your gums are swelling, draining liquid or are painful to the touch, talk to your dentist to see what the best course of treatment is. This is especially the case if you are experiencing gum problems alongside any of the above symptoms. 

Attending your routine dental check-ups and maintaining good dental hygiene practices can help prevent the need for a root canal. But if you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, don’t wait until your next appointment. Contact Optimal Dental Center and our Reston office or Fairfax office today to schedule your consultation.

A missing tooth affects your smile, your bite, and your self-confidence. While preserving a tooth is always our goal as your go-to Northern Virginia dental office, sometimes a tooth might have to be removed and replaced. Often, dental implants are the best tooth replacement option. However, the recommended solution for your situation will depend on the urgency of the situation, your budget, and your overall dental health. 

Let’s explore some of the tooth replacement options your local dentist might recommend.

1. Dental implants.

Dental implants are a popular solution for replacing one or more teeth. They look and function like your real teeth, are stable and durable, help preserve the jawbone, and do not affect the surrounding teeth.

Dental implants are a multi-step solution. A surgical titanium post is implanted in the jaw bone, then when this is healed, the replacement tooth is created and added over the top. Sometimes temporary teeth might be used during the replacement stage. 

However, while dental implants are natural-looking, strong and permanent, they are one of the more expensive tooth replacement options available. Additionally, because they require a surgical implant, the timeline for completing the procedure can be longer than other approaches.  But do not be alarmed, the team at Optimal Dental Center in both our Fairfax, VA and Reston, VA offices work with our patients on a customized treatment plan that also fits your budget.

2. Bridges.

Bridges are used to fill gaps in your smile. They consist of two types: implant-supported and tooth-supported. Implant-supported bridges are used to replace a row of missing teeth. However, only the two teeth at the ends of the bridge are implants, with the rest of the bridge attached to those implants. Tooth-supported bridges use your existing teeth to support the bridge. 

Bridges are a cost-effective solution for replacing several missing teeth in a row. They are effective and natural looking. However, they are only suitable for specific situations where there are teeth adjacent to the missing one(s). In the case of implant-supported bridges, multiple sessions will be required, with healing time involved. For tooth-supported bridges, there is some risk of damage to the adjoining teeth, as these will need to be filed down to be fitted with the crowns to which the bridge will be attached. The bridge may also need to be replaced in the future.

3. Dentures.

There are a few types of dentures: traditional, partial, and implant supported. Removable partial dentures are a less bulky alternative to traditional dentures. Used to replace several missing teeth, they are clamped into place and are removed at night or for cleaning. They are economical when compared with implants and bridges, and treatment is quick and non-invasive. They can also be easily repaired, replaced or extended. However, they do not look as natural as implants or bridges and can be uncomfortable.  In addition, the jaw bone in the missing teeth areas will continue to deteriorate as the tooth roots are missing.  This eventually causes the dentures to not fit properly after a period of time. 

Implant-supported dentures are a cost-effective middle ground between regular dentures and full-arch dental implants. Implants are used to hold the dentures in place, making them more stable than other denture types. They also offer a better fit than conventional dentures, improve chewing ability, and are more natural looking. Depending on the design of the dentures, they might be taken out at night, or left permanently in place.

Talk to our Drs. at Optimal Dental Center About Your Best Tooth Replacement Option. 

If you are missing one or more teeth and are looking for the ideal solution to restore your smile, talk to our team of experts at our local Fairfax, VA and Reston, VA offices. We will examine your smile and walk you through the best tooth replacement options with consideration for your visual preferences, timeline and budget.

For more information about how our tooth replacement options can transform your smile, book your complimentary consultation appointment with Dr. Dang at Optimal Dental Center today!

Dentist Near Me

If you are missing one or more teeth, our dentist may recommend a dental bridge. To help you understand what to expect, we’ve assembled a short guide to bridges.

The Purpose of a Bridge

Tooth loss can occur due to periodontal disease, injury, extraction, and other causes. When a space is left, your remaining teeth can begin to shift, leading to changes in your bite. This may also leave your gums more susceptible to damage and disease. A dental bridge may be recommended to fill the gap left by one or more missing teeth. This device may be removable or fixed, and includes one or more replacement teeth, which are anchored to neighboring teeth for stability. A dental bridge can help keep your teeth and gums healthy, covered, and functioning properly.

What to Expect

Bridges usually require two visits. During your first visit, we will prepare the surrounding teeth and take an impression that will be used to accurately fabricate the dental bridge to fit your mouth. We may provide a temporary bridge to protect your teeth and gums from damage during the fabrication process.

During your second visit, we will fit your custom-made bridge into place. At this time, we will make any needed adjustments to ensure a proper fit and full comfort. We will also discuss a plan for future visits to ensure your bridge continues to fit properly.

Caring for Your Bridge

Keep your bridge clean and in good repair by brushing twice each day and flossing daily. If you remove your bridge for sleep, keep it in water or use a denture cleaning solution. For more information on proper bridge care, ask our team.

Bridges restore your mouth and your teeth to their normal function. If you are missing teeth, schedule an appointment with us. We will provide an examination and determine if you are a candidate for a dental bridge.

1801 Robert Fulton Dr., Suite 250
Reston, VA 20191

Phone: (703) 391-2222